Fully-Featured PMS

Fully-Featured PMS

Hotel Managment Software is the only cloud-based hotel management software that can be used by a 5 star hotel as a complete automation system. It is the most comprehensive one on the market because it contains the following modules:

  • Reservation
  • Front Desk
  • Front Cash
  • Housekeeping
  • Technical Service
  • CRM
  • Night Audit
  • Contract Management
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Banquet & Catering
  • Integrations with PBX, Door Lock, Pay TV and etc.
  • Accounting
  • Reports
It also includes these additional softwares:
  • Booking Engine
  • Channel Manager
  • Rate Manager
  • Point of Sale (POS)
  • SPA Manager

Daily Status

  • Daily status window provides all critical information about the hotel on a single screen.
  • You can view your hotel’s occupancy, revenue, forecast, even call center notes both in graphs and lists.
Hotel Managment Software Web Based Hotel management system Dashboard

Reservation List

Hotel Managment Software hotel management software Reservation List
  • You can list, sort, group, and filter all of your reservations by any criteria with a single click.
  • By the help of color codes, important information becomes more visible.
  • All functions are accessible with a single click after selecting a single line or multiple lines.
  • All screens can be exported to Excel or to the printer in different formats.
  • In the listings multiple sorting, filtering, searching, grouping are standardized.
  • Thanks to its digital archiving capability, one or more documents can be stored in the related record by scanning or uploading.
  • Users can view only the allowed screens and run the allowed functions depending on their authority.

Reservation Card

Hotel Managment Software hotel management software Reservation card
  • All details about the reservation are in one place.
  • No more duplicate guest profiles. Auto guest lookup feature finds old profiles and puts them together.
  • There is access to room type availability for the current reservation period with a touch of a button.
  • It has the ability to block rooms with one click.
  • It has unlimited profile recording ability.
  • There is authority control for access to the pricing tab; all data related to pricing is in one place.


Hotel Managment Software Hotel Reservation Card
  • Since payment, posting and invoicing can be done by a touch of a single button, it saves times.
  • Transactions can be entered in different currencies and it provides automatic conversion.
  • The room folio can be distributed to many different windows and each window can be separately billed.
Hotel Managment Software hotel software folio screen
  • Different types of folio print outs can be taken.
Hotel Managment Software Hotel management Folio

Invoice and Accounts Receivable

Hotel Managment Software allows you to easily perform preliminary accounting transactions such as current account, credit-debit follow-up, cash follow-up, personnel account follow-up, invoice and waybill issuance, and follow-up of checks and promissory notes.

Room Calendar

  • It is designed in such a way that you can perform the entire operation of the front office (Reservation, Check-in, Check-out, Folio, Blockage, Payments)
  • You can access the guest’s reservation card, change room and date with a drag and drop, make collections, check-in/check-out transaction entry, and go to the folio.
  • You can easily drag and drop a reservation around to modify its room number or accommodation range.
  • You can also see your reservations from the online channels that yet not have been assigned a room on top of the blockage screen and drag and drop them to the suitable room.
  • The number of empty rooms is displayed at the bottom of the room type and the full occupancy can be seen on top of the chart.
  • On this same screen, online channels can be managed and POS transactions can be processed.

Room Rack

  • You can view instant room statuses and color code them according to cleanliness and occupancy on one screen.
  • You can easily filter the displayed rooms, access arrivals, departures, and in-house information.
  • You can get payments and do folio and checkout operations on the room you selected without leaving this screen.
  • You can label rooms using visual icons for VIP and late check-in and check-outs.

Forecast and Analysis

  • It shows the occupancy, activity, income, and ADR graphs for the selected time period.
  • Hotel Managment Software allows you to get forecasts based on every detail you enter on the reservation card.
  • You can see past and future occupancy information with a single button.
  • You can access all the statistical information about the agencies, income, and accommodation all on one screen.

CRM - Guest Relations

Hotel Managment Software hotel software Task Management
  • All requests and complaints entered get included to the automatic task management.
  • The expected completion time is determined according to the definition of the task, the department, the authority, and the importance.
  • The task falls to the screen of the relevant unit or mobile device. The person receiving the call starts by pressing the “start task” button and ends by pressing the “complete ” button.
  • If the task is not scheduled and/or does not end in the max time frame, the message is automatically sent to a higher authority.
  • The transactions related to the guests can also be tracked through the reservation card and if requested, it automatically reminds you these transactions during check-in, check-out, folio, and invoicing.
  • Operations like VIP, setup, and prepay control get defined both as a reminder and as a task to the relevant section.
Hotel Managment Software hotel software Guest Card


  • You can carry out all housekeeping processes in a digital environment.
  • You can instantly update your rooms’ dirty-clean and minibar statuses, make an efficient job distribution to your housekeepers, and make performance evaluations easily.
  • There is automatic and/or manual drag-and-drop distribution of the rooms among the maids.

Sales Projects

  • You can monitor all your sales projects on a single screen.
  • You can follow up corporate/company meetings, offers and contracts, collective reservations and banquet sales, and make income analysis.

Detailed Authorization and Logging

  • By defining roles to users, you can easily limit their visibility
    and transaction privileges on all screens.
  • You can also use logging feature to track all the changes made on IP and user basis.


  • It provides all the financial and operational reports you need.
  • You can access many different graphs and analyzes thanks to the parametric structure in the reports and the easy user interface.